- Date: Saturday, 16 March 2024
- Time: 7.30 pm‐ 9.30 pm
- Location: WI Hall
- Address: Newton Road, Great Ayton, TS9 6DE

May 2024 ceilidh social dance and event at the WI Hall in Great Ayton.
The informal ceilidhs at the WI Hall in Great Ayton are held once, every other month between 7.30 and 9.30pm.
The format is the same as before, where a retiring collection (suggested amount £5 / person) replaces tickets, and snack foods are pooled at the interval. Hot drinks are provided but folk are welcome to bring their own drinks. There is a very experienced caller and a small band.
Please come along, to share in a live event of dance, music and conversation!
Everyone welcome.
Contact Brian Pearce via email for further information.