Published on 08 Sep 2016 | Topics: #VisitGreatAyton
Great Ayton Dramatics Society are back! They're hosting an evening of auditions for their winter production...

Great Ayton Dramatics Society are back! They're hosting an evening of auditions for their winter production to be held in January 2017. The play is a comedy called 'Love Begins at Fifty' by Raymond Hopkins and looks like it's going to be giggle!
The auditions are to be held on Friday, 23rd September at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, Great Ayton.
This your chance to become a stage star. Everyone is welcome and if we don't find a suitable role for you there are always backstage and front of house tasks, all equally important. And if you don't want to commit to any particular role front or back stage then just come down for the social aspect & for the banter!
If you would like to be involved but can't make the auditions or would like more info please give Pauline Turner a call on 01642 722096.