Published on 12 Sep 2016 | Topics: #community
...recent success in raising over £2,000.00 for Macmillan...

A huge congratulations must go out to Doctor Rachael Myers of Great Ayton health Centre for her recent success in raising over £2,000.00 for Macmillan Cancer Support, an absolutely incredible achievement and money to be donated to such a worthy cause. Rachael raised the money from a organising a Coffee Morning held at the surgery and from the Great North Run on Sunday, 11th September this year.
Raising money for Macmillan holds some very personal reasons, as Rachael describes:
"My aunty died 3 years ago of endometrial cancer aged 64, way too young. She was very much helped by Macmillan nurses and hospice care.
My husband's mum also died 2 years ago, aged 71, from bowel cancer. She too received great support from Macmillan nurses.
I'm lucky enough to work with the Macmillan teams and their compassion is amazing. They can help make sense at a very uncertain and distressing time and this support and expertise is invaluable to many families and carers . They truely make a difference in the world"
Rachael is incredibly grateful and thankful to everyone that has supported her and Macmillan along the way.