Published on 01 Oct 2016 | Topics: #ChristmasGreatAyton
Great Ayton Business Forum hope to really pull the entire community together in festive spirit and cheer!

Great Ayton Business Forum with the support of Visit Great Ayton are currently in the process of organising their next major event following on the success from the Tour de Yorkshire in May this year. Christmas intends to be extra, especially sparkly this year in Great Ayton!
Plans are underway to host a Christmas Fayre on the High Green combined with the turning-on of the Christmas lights by a very, very special guest! There will be carols and lots of festive stalls selling seasonal crafts, yummy goodies and a kids corner too! The Business Forum are organising competitions for the local children to get involved in and also for visitors on the event day.
The aim is to make the festive season so much exciting and prominent to the local area. The hope is to bring more tourism and trade to Great Ayton helping the local business community. Many shops plan to be open later. The Great Ayton Business Forum hope to really pull the entire community together in festive spirit and cheer!
Finalised details to follow soon. To be kept up-to-date with the Christmas Fayre subscribe to our eNewletter here