Published on 26 Oct 2016 | Topics: #VisitGreatAyton
Every vote matters when supporting this new community funding application

The Great Ayton Village Hall Committee have put an application into the Aviva Community Fund asking them for assistance with funding towards a new floor in the Village Hall. The floor has been patched and fixed over the years but it cannot sustain the use it receives from the various dance, drama and keep fit groups and parties that make use of the hall throughout the year - the floor is no longer suitable for the users of the hall.
The Aviva Community Fund allows each person a maximum of ten votes which can be cast on one project or across several.
The Village Hall Committee are asking members of the public to support their new initiative to replace the hall floor and help them to provide hall users a great new, user friendly and suitable floor.
If you are interested in supporting this funding application by casting your vote, then please do so by following the link below:
To vote, you will be required to register to email address and name, then Aviva will ask you to confirm your details by sending you an email. You will then be required to click on the link in the email which will take you to the voting pages. There are thousands of projects that can be voted for so, to make it a little easier, there is a search box to refine the projects. You will need to enter Village Hall in the first box and Great Ayton in the second box. You can then cast your vote/s.