Published on 15 Jan 2017 | Topics: #greataytonfundraising
A Great Ayton teenager, who recently won the title of Miss Teen Middlesbrough Galaxy, is set to bungee jump raising funds for The Christie.

Congratulations must be expressed to local Great Ayton teenager Sophie McGlade who has recently won the title of current Miss Teen Middlesbrough Galaxy, who will be competing for the title of Miss Teen Galaxy England at the national finals in Lancashire on March 11th 2017.
Sophie, who currently lives in Great Ayton, will be taking part in a bungee jump off the Transporter Bridge, which is 160ft tall, for the charity known as The Christie on the 5th March this year. Sophie chose this particular charity due to loss of family members to cancer but most recently her grandfather who sadly passed away in April 2016. Sophie then went on to research several cancer support charities and eventually went for The Christie due to the charity's exceptional reputation and the little differences in comparison with others of a similar type. The Christie is also based in the North of England which was another factor as to Sophie's choice.
The Christie is the largest single site cancer centre in Europe as part of the NHS Foundation Trust, based in Manchester, which treats 40,000 patients plus each year. The Christie was founded in the 1890's as a hospital with just thirty beds and has since transformed to a world pioneer in the care, treatment and research of cancer.
The Christie has been named, by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), as one of the best hospitals providing opportunities for patients to take part in clinical research studies. The Christie has one of the largest trials portfolios in the UK, with over 550 active clinical trials.
Sophie is aiming to raise at least £200 for the charity and would appreciate any support from the general public and businesses. Please see Sophie's Just Giving page link below and please support this worthy local initiative and worthwhile cause.
Article written by Sarah Botez