Published on 30 Jan 2017 | Topics: #community
Could you be the first on the scene and infact help save lives? You can?... Then Great Ayton and Stokesley district communities require your help...

The Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust urgently require Community First Responders in the Great Ayton and Stokesley areas. First Responders are usually, quite literally, the first on the scene and help provide immediate medical care to patients prior to the arrival of the emergency services.
"Community First Responders are trained in basic life-support, Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and oxygen therapy. They are equipped with a kit which includes oxygen and an automated external defibrillator (AED) to help patients in a medical emergency such as a heart attack, collapse or breathing difficulties". (Information sourced from the Yorkshire Ambulance Services NHS Trust website)
Do you have what it takes to be a First Responder? If so, your community desperately needs you - it really is a matter of life and death.
For further information contact Patrick Murphy, tel: 07824 407955 or email: