Published on 14 Sep 2017 | Topics: #news
A wonderful story of a twenty year twinning partnership.

Local community group Great Ayton Twinning Association are excited in celebrating a fantastic twenty years since they first became twinned with French town Ouzouer-sur-Loire (pronounced Ooz-wah) in the Loire region. Great Ayton is very proud of the continuing friendship with Ouzouer and to commemorate such a wonderful occasion and to mark the anniversary of the time when the two villages were officially twinned, Great Ayton Parish Council organised the planting of a Vilmorin's rowan tree, located close to the main entrance of the Friends' Meeting House, on the High Green in Great Ayton. The idea is to unveil a naming plaque during the summer of 2018 when the French partners travel to Great Ayton.
(Vilmorin's rowan tree planted on High Green Great Ayton)
The Twinning Association gather together annually, alternating between France and England, and hold celebrations ranging from sightseeing tours to bbq's and parties and even fun events such as tug-o-war! A simple day may consist of guided tours of the chateau and its gardens, wine tasting and lunch in the courtyard of the chateau and boating on the lake. Families will stay with their 'paired' counterparts and usually stay together in this partnership throughout their membership with the twinning association. This helps the families grow together and learn about each other and their lifestyles.
(An example of evening entertainment)
When the association enjoyed their recent visit to Ouzouer over the August bank holiday weekend, an exciting ceremony was held to unveil a square named after Great Ayton, simply 'Great Ayton Square'. The unveiling was carried out by Great Ayton twinning chairman, John Nicholas, Agnés Tessier, the French president of the twinning association and Ouzouer Town Mayor, Michel Rigaud (see header image above).
(The Ouzouer Twinning Association were presented with a gift book from their Great Ayton counterparts)
The association are always keen to welcome new members of all ages. The group hold fun events and evenings throughout the year. If you are interested in joining the Twinning Association or for further information please contact Committee Chairman, John Nicholas on 01642 640788.