Published on 28 Apr 2018 | Topics: #news
The Tanfield Brothers were welcomed home with warm, community spirit.

The community of Great Ayton welcomed home Charlie and Harry Tanfield with open arms today at an event held on the High Green in the village organised by Great Ayton Parish Council.
Image left to right : Charlie Tanfield, Harry Tanfield
Charlie and Harry arrived on their bikes to be greeted by hundreds of people, including Marwood School and Roseberry Academy pupils waving flags, celebrating the recent silver and gold medal wins for the brothers at the Commonealth Games in Australia.
Image left to right : Councillor John Fletcher, Claire Tanfield, Stewart Tanfield
Proud parents Stewart and Claire arrived first in a black, limo van, driven by Neal Waters, who were greeted by Councillor John Fletcher, Chairman of Great Ayton Parish Council. Reverend Paul Peverell, Master of Ceremonies, spoke of how Stewart and Claire deserve a medal for all their hard work and dedication put into supporting their sons throughout their cycling success journey. Their time and dedication clearly shows in the brothers who are extremely warm, well-mannered and pleasant boys.
Image left to right : Charlie Tanfield, Toby Tanfield, Harry Tanfield, Claire Tanfield
The Tanfield family were welcomed to the stage where Deputy Lord Lieutenant Peter Scrope, Hambleton District Council Chairman David Hugill and Cllr John Fletcher all gave speeches regarding the brothers' success and how they are a true inspiration to others. Flowers were presented to mum Claire and champagne to both Charlie and Harry by way of recognising all their hard work and the gratitude of the Great Ayton community.
Image left to right : County Cllr Heather Moorhouse, Cllr John Robinson, Cllr Angela Taylor, Cllr June Brown, Deputy Lord Lieutenant Peter Scrope, Charlie, Claire and Harry Tanfield
Amongst the VIP's welcoming the Tanfield family were June Imeson OBE, Frances Greenwell, Cllr Heather Moorhouse, Parish Councillors, Gary Readman, Angela Taylor, John Robinson, June Brown, Parish Clerk Andrew Snowdon, Auntie Nicola Tanfield and grandparents Judith and Lawrence Heaviside.
The stage and sound equipment were all kindly supplied by Peter Greenwell and refreshments were served in the VIP tent supplied by Mark Stowell and Marc Johnson of Great Ayton Scouts. It was great to see so many Scout helpers serving tea, coffee and biscuits, all supplied courtesy of Great Ayton Co-op, and sandwiches supplied by Katie and Simon Fletcher of the Royal Oak Hotel. Music was presented by 'A Touch of Brass' a local Teesside brass ensemble formed at the start of 2017.
Following the speeches and photocall on the stage where Charlie and Harry were joined by younger brother and up-and-coming cyclist in his own right, Toby, the boys happily signed autographs and posed for "selfies" with eager fans, their willingness to take time with each person was apparent, both boys were smiling from ear to ear throughout the whole occasion.
At 12pm Charlie and Harry led an exhibition tour around the village followed by many keen cyclists of all ages all captured by BBC Look North, photographer for Hambleton District Council, Dawn McNamara, and Visit Great Ayton's staff.
A very glorious and successful event which we hope will encourage and inspire people of all ages through the determination, dedication and spirit of these two young men.
Watch on BBC Look North
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