Published on 08 Sep 2016 | Topics: #community
Funding towards the new defibrillator, which will cost £2,000.00...

Great Ayton Conservative Club have teamed up with The Big Heart Charity in an initiative to raise money for a new defibrillator which is to be located at the Conservative Club on the Low Green in Great Ayton. Funding towards the new defibrillator, which will cost £2,000.00 will come from charity events and fundraisers along with donations from local businesses and residents. The defibrillator will be the second one the village will install, the other was installed earlier on this year and is located outside the Great Ayton Discovery Centre. Defibrillators really can mean the difference between life and death and are very important assets to the village.
The Conservative Club have plenty of fundraising events in the pipeline, the first being a quiz night on October 9th, there will be more details to follow.
We do hope that the villagers and businesses really take this initiative under their wing and support it, we never know when we might need it.