Published on 29 Mar 2022 | Topics: #GreatAytonNews
Where you can find out more information as to how to support the people of Ukraine.

During the horrific crisis and war that is unfolding in Ukraine and the horrendous suffering and loss of life, which is displacing so many Ukrainian people, families have been forced to flee Ukraine seeking shelter and support across many countries in Europe.
So many individuals, organisations, community groups and businesses have been pledging their support to the people of Ukraine across the UK and the world by fundraising and providing supplies, such as clothing, bedding and toys. These have been distributed across the UK and to bordering countries to Ukraine where refugees are flooding in their thousands.
Earlier in March the UK government launched ‘Homes for Ukraine’ and invited individuals, charities, community groups and businesses to volunteer accommodation and provide a route to safety for Ukrainians forced to escape their homeland.
There are many support groups being established, an example of one such group is 'The Ukrainian Support Network North East'.
For further details of ways you can support and donate, you can find this information here