Published on 15 Dec 2016 | Topics: #greataytontheatre
Great Ayton Dramatic Society are back with their winter production which is set to cheer-up your spirit!

Great Ayton Dramatic Society are back and on good form with their latest winter production to be performed at Christ Church Parochial Hall in January 2017. The farcical-comedy 'Love Begins at Fifty' written by Raymond Hopkins is sure to be leaving the audience in stitches and for some leaving a certain feeling of nostalgia!
(Cast members from left to right: Sarah, Lynne, Steve and David)
Raymond Hopkins started writing farcical-comedies in 1988 which have proved extremely popular in the United Kindom, parts of Europe and as far away as Australia. He donates all his royalties for his plays to Multiple Sclerosis Research where he has raised an amazing £38,000 for the charity so far. 'Love Begins at Fifty' will be the second play the society have performed from the Raymond Hopkins collection, 'Love and Mistletoe' was the first production which received great response from the audiences who came to watch it.
(Cast members from left to right: Bridget, Katie and Joyce)
GADS are really pleased to welcome some new faces to their society in 2016 who have just fitted-in perfectly, although, it's not difficult to 'fit-in' with GADS as they're all up-for-a-laugh and relaxed but at the same time pull together an enjoyable and effective production. And, although, there was a recent bit of less positive news for the drama society when the Village Hall application to the Aviva fund for financial help with fitting a new floor was rejected, this didn't stop the society and the Village Hall's other users who will continue to make great use of what the Hall has to offer.
Please visit our Events pages for further information about the latest production.